“But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show
contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment
seat of
Christ…So then each of us shall give an account of himself
to God. Therefore
let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to
put a
stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s
way” (Romans 14:10, 12-13).
“Did you hear what so and so is doing over there?”
can't believe they are standing for that!” “I heard
that they were doing
________.” We’ve all heard similar statements, and
regrettably, many of us have
made them. They seem simple and harmless, but with a simple flip of the
like this, an individual, a family, a church, etc. is labeled with a
reputation or name; regardless of the truth, it is all based on what
said. What a shame for things like that to happen. What an even greater
when Christians speak such things of other brethren!
A similar thing happened in the land of Canaan
in Joshua 22.
After the people
were finally able to inhabit the Promised Land and began to settle in
respective areas, the tribes of Reuben, Gad and ½ of
Manasseh took their place east
of the Jordan,
as opposed to
the other 10½ tribes west of the Jordan.
After some time, we are
told in verse 10 that the eastern tribes built an “impressive
altar.” That’s
it! No more info is given at this point! After the building of this
notice the happenings in the West. “Now the children of Israel
heard someone say… ‘[they] have
built an altar’” (Josh. 22:11).
Armed with that simple little bit of info, the same
amount we know at this point, notice the western tribes’
reaction. “When the
children of Israel
heard of
it, the whole congregation of the children of Israel
gathered together at Shiloh
to go to war
against them” (22:12). From this little bit of info, the
entire nation assumed
the worst and decided that war was the only answer. They wisely decided
first it would be best to send some leaders to really find out what was
on. However, instead of going to inquire, it seems they came with the
same bad
assumption and began to rebuke and revile the other tribes:
“What treachery is
this you have committed against the God of Israel, to turn away this
day from
following the Lord…that you may rebel this day against the
Lord?” (22:16). Not
only did they rebuke them for this “treachery,” but
then began to concoct a
scenario where their building this altar would surely mean death and
demise of
the entire nation. All of this was done without the tribes ever getting
chance to explain themselves. When finally allowed to give an
explanation, they
told that the altar was simply built to remind them of the sanctuary of
They didn’t want their children thinking that because they
were across the Jordan,
that they weren’t a part of the Israelite people. The
reaction from the West
was, in essence, an “Oh, I guess that’s
ok,” and the leaders went home having
now understood the altar.
There are a few lessons we could learn from this story.
(1) Get the facts before you act! The first time they heard what
“someone had
said,” they assumed the worst and had written the eastern
tribes off as
rebelling against God. It is a shame how often this happens among us.
Christians should know and display a better attitude, and not allow
rumors to
shape our perception of our brethren. (2) New or different
doesn’t always mean
bad. When they heard of the building of an altar, it was something that
different and new, and immediately they wrote it off as an act of
rebellion. As
a result, they spent time, energy and stress over something their
brethren were
doing in good conscience, purity of mind and for a good
purpose—all without
going against the teaching of God. When others among us do things that
unique or different to us, let us not write them off as rebels, but
investigate their actions. Just because the practice is not something
we may
have always done, does not mean it is wrong. If the practice is
consistent with
the teachings of the Word of God, then it is surely not wrong. Many
things we
do in our service to God were new at some point (i.e., songbooks, sound
systems, Bible class material, teaching aids, even church buildings).
new doesn’t always mean bad. It is easy to question the
wisdom of this
decision, however, the brash actions of the westerners were unlike what
expected of them, and unlike what God expects of us today. Rumors and
tempered judgments tear down the reputations of others. Shame on us, if
practice such action in regard to anyone, especially in regard to those
whom we share a common faith.