Was Jesus a Real, Historical
By Jerry Bates
There have always been critics to the story of Jesus,
but it seems that recently critics have increased in number. Most
simply deny certain aspects about the life of Jesus and His claims.
However, a
sizable group of critics simply proclaim that the man called Jesus
existed at all. In January of 2006, an atheist sued a Catholic priest
in Italy
misleading the public because he presented Jesus as a historical
character. Some
recent movies also present the idea that Jesus did not exist. In other
words, we
are being told that every thing that we think we know about Jesus is
false. Supposedly,
the story of Jesus is simply a fable. Some recent movies attempt to
the same idea. One such movie is entitled “The
Beast.” The website for the movie
makes this claim, “The authors of the Gospels writing 40 to
90 years after the
supposed life of Christ, never intended for their works to be read as
There are no credible non-Christian references to Christ during the
period in
which he is said to have lived.” The conclusion is that since
some claim that we
have few if any references to Jesus, then He must not have existed. Is
claim true?
We might want to first point out that we should not
expect Jesus to be mentioned much in the history books of His era,
because He
was not perceived by the world to be an important person during His
lifetime. He
lived in a small, relatively obscure part of the world. His followers
small in number and historically insignificant until many years after
death. Furthermore, very little historical data of any kind from the
time of
Christ have survived to this day. Consider, for example, the case of
Pilate, a man mentioned by name about 20 times in the New Testament.
Two Jewish
writers, Philo and Josephus, mention him only briefly. Tacitus, a Roman
mentioned Pilate once and then only incidentally in connection with
Christus who
“was executed at the hands of Pontius Pilate in the reign of
Tiberius.” We have
only one inscription naming Pilate. Phil Sanders summarized this
information in
this way, “Here was a man who served the Roman government for
ten years in one
of the political hotspots of the empire. He himself was embroiled
repeatedly in
controversy. And yet, there is not a solitary Roman archival document
that so
much as mentions his name.” Yet, no one that I know of
disputes the existence
of Pilate.
an important character like Pilate is barely mentioned,
we should not be surprised that there is little mention of a man named
Jesus. We
do have the testimony of many early preachers whose writings testify
Jesus. Of course, many would discount those writings as unreliable
since they
were followers of Jesus. However, the same historical writers that
Pilate also mention Jesus, but are also considered unreliable in the
case of Jesus.
The non-Christian historian, Josephus, mentions Jesus as a real
character. Tacitus
mentions how Nero used Christians as scapegoats for the burning of Rome,
and how their name
originated from Christus. Another Roman historian, Seutonius mentions
the existence
of Christians. Justin
Martyr, writing in
approximately A.D. 150 writes concerning Christ, “That He
performed these miracles
you may easily satisfy yourself from the ‘Acts of Pontius
Pilate.’” That is a
very bold statement to make if in fact no record existed.
If Jesus never existed, there is no explanation for any
of these references, as few as they are. It should not surprise us that
we have
no inscriptions that mention Jesus. Only important figures are
mentioned in
inscriptions. From the standpoint of history, Jesus was an unimportant
during his lifetime. R.R. France put it this way, “From the
point of view of
Roman history of the first century, Jesus was a nobody. A man of no
social standing…
could hardly be expected to achieve mention in the Roman
headlines.” Several
other independent accounts prove that in ancient times even the enemies
Christianity never doubted that Jesus had existed. One may not believe
was divine, but we must at least admit that He existed.