One of the
great joys as parents that Julene and I have
experienced is watching Joshua play church. Often times he will get one
of his
children’s songbooks, stand at the coffee table and begin to “lead” the
congregation in songs of praise. Other times Joshua will get his little
Testament and stand at the “pulpit,” which is actually our coffee
table, and
preach his little heart out to anyone who will listen, while he pounds
little hand upon the table. Joshua “plays” church, and what a beautiful
encouraging sight it is to behold.
However, this
same sight is sometimes reenacted by
those who should not be “playing” church but actually should be
wholeheartedly in the worship to God and the work of his church.
Brethren who
are redeemed by the blood of Christ and who are partakers of the Holy
often become guilty of living in the world six days a week, only to
slip into
their Sunday clothes in order to “play” church, soothe their
consciences and
fool the brethren. They are like actors on a stage, learning their
wearing a costume and going through the motions of playing a role.
acting like a Christian will not make one a true Christian! Someone has
said, “Sitting in church will no more make one a Christian than sitting
in a
hen house will make one a chicken.” How true that is! Playing church is
incredibly sweet when the player is only 2 1/2 years old, but not when
he is 14
or 24 and so on. Assembling with the saints and participating in the
work and life
of the congregation is generally enjoyable, but it is not a game! Four
years before Christ, a generation arose that would not take their
seriously. Malachi was enlisted by God to address this sorry remnant
dishonored God (Malachi 1:6), treated the table of the Lord with
contempt (vs.
7-8) and sneered at worship as a weariness (vs. 12-14). They
substituted their
own whims for his commands, celebrating divorce and every immorality
God complained that they were robbing him (3:8-10), and if you are just
church today, you are no less guilty!
Is your Sunday
suit or dress just a costume to disguise
your six-days-a-week true identity? Then cast off the works of
darkness, and
put on the armor of light (Romans 13:12). Do you pray without
confidence, study
absentmindedly, eat and drink the Lord’s Supper thoughtlessly? Is your
contribution but a gesture and no more a sacrifice? “Remember therefore
where you have fallen; repent and do the first works…” (Revelation 2:5),
the words of Jesus to the church at Ephesus. Readers who are of age
should stop
playing church and start living it with heart, soul, mind and strength
12:30). We should echo the sentiment of the Psalmist, “I was
glad when
they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD” (Psalm 122:1).
about you and me? Are we merely going through the motions? Are we just
church today? Christians, let’s not play church, but let’s live it
out in
every facet of our everyday lives!