theories are based upon the millennium. The word
millennium is derived from two Latin words: mille, meaning “a
and annus, meaning “year.” Therefore, millennium means a
thousand years.
Its English equivalent, “a thousand years,” is found six times in
20:1-7. If you will open your Bible and read that passage you will know
there is to know about the millennium.
There are many
questions that make this a controversial
subject. The effort on the part of men to answer these questions is
accounts for the controversy surrounding this subject. People have
interpretations of Revelation 20:1-7, hence different ideas about the
millennium have arisen. With our entrance into a new century and
such theories are on many people’s minds. In this article I wish to
take a look
at one of the most popular of those theories.
Pertinent Definitions
is a general term denoting belief
in the millennium. Papias (c. 60-130) of Hierapolis in Asia Minor
millennial views, believing that there would be a period of a thousand
after the resurrection of Christ during which the kingdom of Christ
would be
set up in a material fashion. When the millennium did not occur with
resurrection some began to rethink the event that would initiate its
It was decided that perhaps the return of Christ would be that event.
Amillennialism denotes the view that there will
be no millennium. An amillennialist may be one who does not believe the
Bible—period. He may be a modernist who does not believe in the return
Christ. Or, he may be the Bible believer who feels that the Book of
is largely symbolic and that Revelation 20:1-7 is a figurative
of something that happened under the Roman Empire.
Postmillennialism teaches that Jesus Christ will
return after the millennium. This theory holds that Christ will conquer
through the spread of the Gospel by which the world will be converted.
will then be a thousand-year period of peace and righteousness on the
Afterward, Christ is to return and time will be no more. There were
disciples of this doctrine among religious thinkers in the nineteenth
(See Restoration Reachbacks).
Premillennialism is the view that Jesus Christ
will return to earth prior to the millennium; that he will, when he
inaugurate the millennial reign in Jerusalem.
Dispensational Premillennialism is by far the
most widely accepted view among people today who espouse millennial
Since the late 1800’s, the exponents of this view went beyond typical
(historical) premillennialism. The new premillennialism came to the
States about 1875 after thriving in England among the Plymouth
Brethren, a
religious body originated by J.N. Darby in 1830. Darby named the new
dispensationalism because the theory called for a division of history
dispensations. This is the view that is freely advanced by
charismatic preachers, self-styled prophets and popular religious
authors of
today (See Interesting Inquiries, by John T. Polk, II).
The Basic
Format of Dispensational Premillennialism
Although all
premillennialists do not agree on all the
points of their theories, here is the basic format of the
dispensational view:
Jesus Christ came
into this
world in order to fulfill Old Testament prophecies and to establish an
earthly kingdom.
The divine plan,
however, was thwarted in Jesus’
unanticipated rejection by his subjects, and his crucifixion.
The kingdom
prophecies were then put on hold (i.e.,
since they were not fulfilled); Jesus is supposed to return, at which
time he
will establish the kingdom as he had originally planned, but had failed
initially in so doing.
The Lord set up
the church as a substitute for the
kingdom due to his rejection by the Jews.
The return of
Jesus will be both secret and silent.
This is called the “Rapture,” when he will come for his saints. He is
to snatch
the sainted living and dead away in a rapturous disappearing act, but
for those
who are “left behind,” life will go on as usual. The “raptured” are to
be with
the Lord somewhere for seven years.
This seven years
will mark the “Tribulation” with a
world populated entirely by unbelievers. The first half of this period
is to
see a revival of the Jewish nation and its repossession of the “Holy
Land.” The
last three and one half years is to be a period of “Great Tribulation,”
such as
the world has never seen.
Jesus is to return
again at the end of the Tribulation,
and, in the Battle of Armageddon, eliminate his enemies so that his
reign may begin with a world populated entirely of believers. This is
to be the
“Second Coming” when the Lord comes with his saints. At this point the
awaited “King of the Jews” now assumes his rightful place on David’s
where he will begin his millennial reign.
At the end of the
thousand years Jesus is supposed to
deliver up the kingdom to God; there will be the judgment and then
The danger of
the dispensational theory and the Left
Behind theology is that they falsify both the promises of God in
the Old
Testament and the preaching of Jesus Christ. Such denies that Christ is
currently reigning as King of kings on God’s right hand (1 Timothy
6:15; 1
Peter 3:22). It also perpetuates the same materialistic view of the
that led the Jews to crucify Christ.