The Living Word
of God has much to say about
relationships. When we are Christians, our relationship with each
member of the
Godhead (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) is to take top
priority. It
is imperative that you and I are drawing near to God daily (James 4:8)
as there
are so many worldly influences trying to come between us and God to
lure us
away from our Savior.
What is to be
the nature of our relationship with God?
God knows man inside out. He knows all about our DNA and every fiber
and cell
that make up our composition. He knows what is best for us, and because
of his
deep abiding love, he seeks to provide guidance and strength for us to
temptations and maintain our fellowship and spiritual union with him.
Just as Jesus
was “one with the Father,” so it is
heaven’s objective that you and I be “one with God.” God wants you and
me to be
likeminded with him, and so we are called upon to grow up spiritually
into the
image of his dear Son. We are to grow in our love and affection for God
to such
a great extent that we, too, are willing to meaningfully pray: “Not my
will but
thine be done.”
God has created
us as social beings and so we are able
to communicate and interact with one another. Having been given this
he has also taught us how to conduct ourselves when in the presence of
The world says either, “There are no boundaries” or “You set the
boundaries, if
you want them.” We, being Christians, must acknowledge the boundaries
God has
set and live within them or else find a severed relationship with God
as did
the prodigal (Luke 15:11ff). That route leads to death.